

Title Description Start Date End Date File
Important Information Regarding Recruitment Camp to be Held on 11-10-2022 at Sub Regional Employment Exchange Complex, Dumka

Important Information Regarding Recruitment Camp to be Held on 11-10-2022 at Sub Regional Employment Exchange Complex, Dumka

07/10/2022 11/10/2022 View (740 KB)
Important information related to publication of fresh merit list after objection resolution for appointment on contract based district level and block level post under Swachh Bharat Mission Rural.

Important information related to publication of fresh merit list after objection resolution for appointment on contract based district level and block level post under Swachh Bharat Mission Rural.

10/09/2022 30/09/2022 View (158 KB)
Fresh merit list after resolution of objection for selection on contract based district level and block level post under Swachh Bharat Mission Rural.

Fresh merit list after resolution of objection for selection on contract based district level and block level post under Swachh Bharat Mission Rural.

1.Accountant qualified candidate list.
2.Accountant disqualify candidate list.
3.Block Wash Coordinator qualify candidate list.
4.Block Wash Coordinator disqualify candidate list.
5.Objection resolution list of accountant & block wash Coordinator.
6.Important information

16/09/2022 30/09/2022 View (2 MB) disqualify candidate list for accountant (991 KB) qualify candidate list block wash dumka 02 (1 MB) disqualify candidate list block wash dumka 02 (1 MB) aapatti solution accountant & block wash (434 KB) सूचना (154 KB)
Civil Surgeon Office, Dumka, General provisional list regarding contractual appointment to various posts under NHM program.

Civil Surgeon Office, Dumka, General provisional list regarding contractual appointment to various posts under NHM program.

21/09/2022 24/09/2022 View (4 MB)
Information regarding enrollment against vacant seats in various industrial training institutes under Dumka district.

Information regarding enrollment against vacant seats in various industrial training institutes under Dumka district.

07/09/2022 16/09/2022 View (2 MB)
Provisional merit list for selection on contract based district level and block level post under Swachh Bharat Mission Rural

Provisional merit list for selection on contract based district level and block level post under Swachh Bharat Mission Rural.

2.Block Wash Coordinator

23/08/2022 11/09/2022 View (5 MB) Block WASH Coordinator dumka 02 (5 MB)
Civil Surgeon Office, Dumka, Post wise eligible and non eligible applicants list regarding contractual appointment to various posts under NHM program.

Civil Surgeon Office, Dumka, Post wise eligible and non eligible applicants list regarding contractual appointment to various posts under NHM program.

1. ANM eligible and non eligible applicants list
2. Staff Nurse eligible and non eligible applicants list
3. Pharmacist eligible and non eligible applicants list
4. Block Data Manager eligible and non eligible applicants list
5. Ayush Pharmacist APH eligible and non eligible applicants list
6. Refrigeretor Mechanic eligible and non eligible applicants list
7. Nutritional MTC eligible and non eligible applicants list
8. ANM RBSK eligible and non eligible applicants list
9. Pharmacist RBSK eligible and non eligible applicants list
10. Staff Nurse NBSU eligible and non eligible applicants list
11. RMNCH FP Councellors RMNCH eligible and non eligible applicants list
12. Opthlmic Assistant NPCB RBSK eligible and non eligible applicants list
13. ANM-NUHM eligible and non eligible applicants list
14. Clinical Psychologist NMHP eligible and non eligible applicants list
15. GNM District NCD Clinic eligible and non eligible applicants list
16. Lab Technical District NCD Clinic eligible and non eligible applicants list
17. Counsellors District NCD Clinic eligible and non eligible applicants list
18. GNM CHC NCD Clinic eligible and non eligible applicants list
19. Lab Technical CHC NCD Clinic eligible and non eligible applicants list
20. Counsellors CHC NCD Clinic eligible and non eligible applicants list
21. ARSH Counsellor- ARSH Cell eligible and non eligible applicants list
22. Senior Tuberculosis Supervisor eligible and non eligible applicants list
23. DMC/LT NTEP eligible and non eligible applicants list
24. TB/HV NTEP eligible and non eligible applicants list
25. DR TB Center Counsellor-NTEP eligible and non eligible applicants list
26. Pharmacist NTEP eligible and non eligible applicants list
27. SDS Pharmacist NTEP eligible and non eligible applicants list
28. SDS Store Assistant NTEP eligible and non eligible applicants list
29. Important Information

26/08/2022 11/09/2022 View (9 MB) 2. Staff Nurse eligible and non eligible applicants list (5 MB) 3. Pharmacist eligible and non eligible applicants list (8 MB) 4. Block Data Manager eligible and non eligible applicants list (8 MB) 5. Ayush Pharmacist APH eligible and non eligible applicants list (2 MB) 6. Refrigeretor Mechanic eligible and non eligible applicants list (877 KB) 7. Nutritional MTC eligible and non eligible applicants list (741 KB) 8. ANM RBSK eligible and non eligible applicants list (5 MB) 9. Pharmacist RBSK eligible and non eligible applicants list (5 MB) 10. Staff Nurse NBSU eligible and non eligible applicants list (5 MB) 11. RMNCH FP Councellors RMNCH eligible and non eligible applicants list (4 MB) 12. Opthlmic Assistant NPCB RBSK eligible and non eligible applicants list (1 MB) 13. ANM-NUHM eligible and non eligible applicants list (3 MB) 14. Clinical Psychologist NMHP eligible and non eligible applicants list (1 MB) 15. GNM District NCD Clinic eligible and non eligible applicants list (7 MB) 16. Lab Technical District NCD Clinic eligible and non eligible applicants list (4 MB) 17. Counsellors District NCD Clinic eligible and non eligible applicants list (2 MB) 18. GNM CHC NCD Clinic eligible and non eligible applicants list (8 MB) 19. Lab Technical CHC NCD Clinic eligible and non eligible applicants list (8 MB) 20. Counsellors CHC NCD Clinic eligible and non eligible applicants list (3 MB) 21. ARSH Counsellor- ARSH Cell eligible and non eligible applicants list (3 MB) 22. Senior Tuberculosis Supervisor eligible and non eligible applicants list (1 MB) 23. DMCLT NTEP eligible and non eligible applicants list (2 MB) 24. TBHV NTEP eligible and non eligible applicants list (3 MB) 25. DR TB Center Counsellor-NTEP eligible and non eligible applicants list (1 MB) 26. Pharmacist NTEP eligible and non eligible applicants list (3 MB) 27. SDS Pharmacist NTEP eligible and non eligible applicants list (2 MB) 28. SDS Store Assistant NTEP eligible and non eligible applicants list (5 MB) 29. Important Information (543 KB)
Civil Surgeon Office, Dumka, Post wise revised eligible and non eligible applicants list who were declared non eligible earlier regarding contractual appointment to various posts under NHM program.

Civil Surgeon Office, Dumka, Post wise revised eligible and non eligible applicants list who were declared non eligible earlier regarding contractual appointment to various posts under NHM program.

1. ANM revised eligible applicants list.
2. Pharmacist revised eligible applicants list.
3. Block Data Manager revised non eligible applicants list.
4. Staff Nurse NBSU revised non eligible applicants list.
5. RMNCH FP Councellors RMNCH, Opthlmic Assistant NPCB RBSK, SDS Store Assistant NTEP revised eligible applicants list.
6. Senior Tuberculosis Supervisor revised eligible applicants list.
7. Important information.

09/09/2022 11/09/2022 View (1 MB) Post Code 03 (497 KB) Post Code 04 (495 KB) Post Code 10 (539 KB) Post Code 11 12 28 (998 KB) Post Code 22 (477 KB) IMG_20220909_0001 (225 KB)
Important Information Regarding Recruitment Camp to be Held on 01-09-2022 at Sub Regional Employment Exchange Complex, Dumka

Important Information Regarding Recruitment Camp to be Held on 01-09-2022 at Sub Regional Employment Exchange Complex, Dumka

30/08/2022 01/09/2022 View (585 KB)
Advertisement and application form for soft skill training under Mahindra Pride Classroom at Sub Regional Employment Exchange Complex, Dumka

Advertisement and application form for soft skill training under Mahindra Pride Classroom at Sub Regional Employment Exchange Complex, Dumka

26/07/2022 31/08/2022 View (909 KB)