

Title Description Start Date End Date File
Important information regarding employment fair to be held on 28-06-2024 at Sub Regional Employment Exchange Complex, Dumka

Important information regarding employment fair to be held on 28-06-2024 at Sub Regional Employment Exchange Complex, Dumka

25/06/2024 28/06/2024 View (2 MB)
First merit list for enrollment of students of class 06-09 in CM School of Excellence, Dumka

First merit list for enrollment of students of class 06-09 in CM School of Excellence, Dumka

02/04/2024 30/04/2024 View (4 MB)
Information related to the final merit list for contract based appointment on various posts in Dumka district under MGNREGA.

Information related to the final merit list for contract based appointment on various posts in Dumka district under MGNREGA.

1.ACCOUNTANT ASSISTANT final merit list
2.ASSISTANT ENGINEER final merit list
3.BLOCK PROGRAM OFFICER final merit list
4.COMPUTER ASSISTANT final merit list
5.JUNIOR ENGINEER final merit list
6.Important Information

12/03/2024 31/03/2024 View (431 KB) 1.ACCOUNTANT ASSISTANT final merit list (431 KB) 2.ASSISTANT ENGINEER final merit list (508 KB) 3.BLOCK PROGRAM OFFICER final merit list (521 KB) 4.COMPUTER ASSISTANT final merit list (325 KB) 5.JUNIOR ENGINEER final merit list (528 KB) 6.Important Information (271 KB)
District Social Welfare Section, Dumka regarding Notice and Final Merit list for Observation Home, Dumka

District Social Welfare Section, Dumka regarding Notice and Final Merit list for Observation Home, Dumka
1. Notice
2. Final merit list of candidates for appointment as paramedical worker and consultant on contract basis under Observation Home, Dumka.

05/03/2024 06/03/2024 View (2 MB) merit_list (2 MB)
Final merit list of candidates for contractual appointment to the post of Gram Rojgar Sevak in Dumka district under MGNREGA.

Final merit list of candidates for contractual appointment to the post of Gram Rojgar Sevak in Dumka district under MGNREGA.

1. General candidates list.
2. EWS candidates list.
3. ST candidates list.
4. Important information.

13/02/2024 29/02/2024 View (522 KB) General candidates list (522 KB) EWS candidates list (510 KB) ST candidates list (541 KB) Important information (233 KB)
Information for contract based appointment to the post of District Program Manager under District AYUSH Committee.

Information for contract based appointment to the post of District Program Manager under District AYUSH Committee.

09/02/2024 15/02/2024 View (6 MB)
Important information regarding employment fair to be held on 31-01-2024 at Sub Regional Employment Exchange Complex, Dumka

Important information regarding employment fair to be held on 31-01-2024 at Sub Regional Employment Exchange Complex, Dumka

29/01/2024 31/01/2024 View (2 MB)
Important information for written and efficiency test for contract based appointment on various posts in Dumka district under MGNREGA.

Important information for written and efficiency test for contract based appointment on various posts in Dumka district under MGNREGA.

10/01/2024 23/01/2024 View (481 KB)
Accepted, rejected list and important information  regarding exam center for contract based appointment on various posts in Dumka district under MGNREGA.

Accepted, rejected list and important information  regarding exam center for contract based appointment on various posts in Dumka district under MGNREGA.

1.JUNIOR ENGINEER Accepted list

2.JUNIOR ENGINEER Rejected list





7.Important information  regarding exam center

21/01/2024 23/01/2024 View (1 MB) 1.JE ACCEPTED LIST (1 MB) 2.JE REJECTED LIST (623 KB) 3.AE ACCEPTED LIST (656 KB) 4.AE REJECTED LIST (581 KB) 5.BPO ACCEPTED LIST (997 KB) 6.BPO REJECTED LIST (792 KB) 7.Important information  regarding exam center (139 KB)
District Social Welfare Office, Dumka, Accepted and rejected list for contract based appointment on various posts under Integrated Child Protection Scheme (Mission Vatsalya).

District Social Welfare Office, Dumka, Accepted and rejected list for contract based appointment on various posts under Integrated Child Protection Scheme (Mission Vatsalya).

1.Assistant Cum Data Entry Operator(CWC-01) Accepted List

2.Protection Officer Institutional Care(DCPS-02) Accepted List

3.Protection Officer Non-Institutional Care(DCPS-03) Accepted List

4.Counselor(DCPS-05) Accepted List

5.Social Worker(DCPS-06) Accepted List

6.Accountant(DCPS-07) Accepted List

7.Data Analyst(DCPS-08) Accepted List

8.Assistant Cum Data Entry Operator(DCPS-09) Accepted List

9.Outreach Worker(ORW)(DCPS-10) Accepted List

10.Assistant Cum Data Entry Operator(JJB-01) Accepted List

11.Assistant Cum Data Entry Operator(CWC-01) Rejected List

12.Protection Officer Institutional Care(DCPS-02) Rejected List

13.Protection Officer Non-Institutional Care(DCPS-03) Rejected List

14.Counselor(DCPS-05) Rejected List

15.Social Worker(DCPS-06) Rejected List

16.Accountant(DCPS-07) Rejected List

17.Data Analyst(DCPS-08) Rejected List

18.Assistant Cum Data Entry Operator(DCPS-09) Rejected List

19.Outreach Worker(ORW)(DCPS-10) Rejected List

20.Assistant Cum Data Entry Operator(JJB-01) Rejected List

21.Important Information

13/01/2024 20/01/2024 View (6 MB) 01.Assistant -Cum Data Entry Operator ( CWC-01) Accepted List (6 MB) 02.Protection Officer Institutional Care(DCPS-02) Accepted List (3 MB) 3.Protection Officer Non-Institutional Care(DCPS-03) Accepted List (3 MB) 4.Counselor(DCPS-05) Accepted List (2 MB) 5.Social Worker(DCPS-06) Accepted List (3 MB) 6.Accountant(DCPS-07) Accepted List (2 MB) 7.Data Anaylyst(DCPS-08) Accepted List (4 MB) 8.Assistant Cum Data Entry Operator(DCPS-09) Accepted List (8 MB) 9.Outreach Worker(ORW)(DCPS-10) Accepted List (8 MB) 10.Assistant Cum Data Entry Operator(JJB-01) Accepted List (6 MB) 11.Assistant -Cum Data Entry Operator ( CWC-01) Rejected List (692 KB) 12.Protection Officer Institutional Care(DCPS-02) Rejected List (3 MB) 13.Protection Officer Non-Institutional Care(DCPS-03) Rejected List (2 MB) 14.Counselor(DCPS-05) Rejected List (2 MB) 15.Social Worker(DCPS-06) Rejected List (5 MB) 16.Accountant(DCPS-07) Rejected List (1 MB) 17.Data Anaylyst(DCPS-08) Rejected List (2 MB) 18.Assistant -Cum Data Entry Operator (DCPS-09) Rejected List (738 KB) 19.Outreach Worker(ORW)(DCPS-10) Rejected List (747 KB) 20.Assistant Cum Data Entry Operator(JJB-01) Rejected List (654 KB) 21.Important Notice (853 KB)